1. Many people probably have seen the informative dashboard for visualizing the spread of the coronavirus, developed by JHU CSSE (link). The amazing folks at JHU CSSE also provide their data in a repository at Github, that is updated every 24 hours. Besides that dashboard, we have the Worldometers site as …
  2. So you are working on the backend for a single-page application in Pyramid and need to serialize all kinds of objects to JSON? In this post we'll work our way up from the basic JSON-serialization built into Pyramid to a powerful approach for serializing SQLAlchemy objects. Serializing Simple Data Structures …
  3. Lately, I've had to develop REST APIs for several projects, sometimes in Java and sometimes in Python. Web services for a typical CRUD API usually have pretty much the same elements. Sooner or later that makes you think about how to reuse your code for different REST resources. I'm going …
  4. The 'better' an open source project is technically, the more people use it. That's what I used to think. But lately I have gotten doubts: Why are some projects more successful than others? Are there technical reasons or is it something else? How do some get 10000 Github followers and …
  5. So you've decided to learn Python. Maybe you've already taken a look at the Python site. But where to begin? Are there good books for learning? Programming exercises? What are essential tools one must know about? I've gotten these questions from several interested friends and colleagues. Each time, I tried …