Many people probably have seen the informative dashboard for visualizing the spread of the coronavirus, developed by JHU CSSE (link). The amazing folks at JHU CSSE also provide their data in a repository at Github, that is updated every 24 hours. Besides that dashboard, we have the Worldometers site as another great resource to stay informed about the developments in different countries.

In the past couple of weeks I have noticed myself jumping between these two sources constantly:

  • I liked the information density of the JHU CSSE-dashboard where you could see a lot at a quick glance.
  • I liked the worldometers chart presentation, especially because it allows you to see the development of new cases per day in a nice diagram.

I did wish there was a way to have both at the same time plus a way to compare those charts for different countries. My free-time lately was mostly spent at home, so I used the last ten days to build a tool to "scratch my own itch". The result of that work is now online as a dashboard at The initial number one complaint of my friends was: "Make it mobile-ready!", so this weekend I added a responsive approach that allows you to see the two main sections:

  • side-by-side on larger screen sizes.
  • in a tabbed UI on smaller screen sizes.

I am continuously trying to improve the dashboard, so if you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to contact me (email in the About-section). It might take me a bit to reply and/or to incorporate any changes due to my day job, but I appreciate any messages and will do my best.